At first I was thinking this is going to be just another gimmick of health products on the market that claim to be the best of the best, that can do all these amazing things for you, yet after being sucked into the catchy phase your left disappointed and short changed.
“Not sure about you but I found this whole health and wellness thing very confusing. How did eating ever get so complicated?”
Well let me tell you, 180 Nutrition is unlike all the rest. I can tell you from personal experience and as you all know I am a strong believer in honesty especially when it comes to prescribing or recommending treatments or products to my beloved clients.
I have been through huge highs and lows with my health over the years and what would really get me down was how bad my skin became when I was at my worst. (LIGHT BULB MOMENT)- GUT HEALTH IS A BIG FACTOR WHEN ON A QUEST TO FIND PERFECTLY GLOWING SKIN!!!
Having a healthy gut translates into having a healthy immune system, and as a result of that, we get a healthy body that is able to naturally protect itself and fight against bad bacteria without the need for medical prescription. Probiotics and Prebiotics are excellent tools to build or rebuild healthy gut flora. We have to feed our good bacteria with proper nutrition to help them grow and thrive in our immune systems. Also, who the hell wants to age faster?? Yep that’s right, any inflammation in your stomach or internal organs will cause you to have to have outbreaks, congestion, lack of blood flow, discolouration and even collagen break down causing fine lines…AAHHHH!!
Our body in 2017 is not the same as back in the 1900’s, where diet was much more organic. As the years have gone by and high processed foods with additives and preservatives, flavour enhancers, food colourings, fructose and high sugar diets have become the norm and we are finding so many people are suffering from intolerances like diary & gluten, IBS and all kinds of food allergies. The percentage of these type of conditions rises every year because our diets lack so much of the natural ingredients our body craves to function healthy. Lack of nutrition is not just from poor quality foods either. We live such high stress lives now days and this factor also depletes the ability to absorb some of the goodness from our foods. We need good fats and fibre in our diet for our skin and internal organs and to help fight off extra weight.
So since this realisation about gut health and educating myself more on the philosophy of what goes into my mouth is exactly what I become, I am now here to scream this recommendation from the rooftops!!
180 (my nickname for them) is a small range of products that I have implemented into my pantry which I use every single day in my cooking, as a booster when I’m feeling like a snack, in my breakfast smoothies or I’ll sprinkle some of the greens powder over my cereal in the morning. It’s not a meal replacement, lets get that straight, its not complicated and its not dieting- ‘cos ain’t nobody got time for that!!’ It fits seamlessly into anybody’s lifestyle whether your a health and exercise nut, a busy mum trying to survive the rush of the day or your just somebody that wants a healthy functioning body to get the best out of life. These products are for you.
Because I am so passionate about these products, I have begged the boss lady for months, and months, and months to please get these into the clinic. As you all know she isn’t the health conscious type, so I have been forcing her to sample some of the products, and to everyone’s shock, she has signed us up as a stockist and they are finally here. I seriously can not wait to start changing peoples lives by addressing their skin concerns not just externally but now internally as well.
I will be putting up weekly posts about quick and easy recipes, ideas and tips that you can do at home. I will also be offering everyone to sample our new range when visiting the clinic, and doing a little cooking to offer some tasty snacks.
With the help of the 180Nutrition experts, we will be providing Free ‘Uncomplicated’ Health Resources, articles, interviews, Ebooks and more in a fun, simple and easy-to-digest manner.
One of my favourites I’d like to introduce you to in this blog is the Organic Greens Plus powder.
180 Greens powder allows you to have all your essential greens in just one helping, giving you the easiest way to quickly access valuable nutrients. It promotes healthy digestion and detoxification by removing unwanted and inflammatory toxins, alkalising the harmful acidity that can be caused by modern day lifestyle and bad diet.
This magical powder also supports hormone and blood sugar balance, promotes healthy heart function, assists with healthy weight management, and supports the immune system.
ADD TO A SMOOTHIE OR SIMPLY MIX WITH WATER AND DRINK-What knocks my socks off, is that this product has no taste!!!
Love the skin you’re in is our moto – remember, what your insides look like shows through your skin.
It is essential that we are not just treating our skin from the outside by topically applying those very important serums and creams, but we are also treating our body internally to help produced and maintain those healthy cells.
Some other great products we are introducing to our new Bella Pelle Health and Wellness Bar is Hilbilby’s Fire Tonic. Locally made in Torquay, it contains 24 natural ingredients to boost immunity, fighting off colds, flues, sore throats and more, reduce muscle cramps, great for people with high blood pressure, and cholesterol problems, is a fabulous prebiotic, and great for detox of the liver.
180 Super Food Protein powder quickly replaces bad food choices, curbs hunger, and is great for when exercising, weight loss and vitality. You can cook with it, making delicious snacks for the whole family, use it in smoothies for a quick shake on the go, getting all your daily intake of natural fibre and antioxidants. This product is a great all rounder as the kids can take it, and is suitable to take when pregnant or breastfeeding as there are no harmful ingredients.
Pop into the clinic and check out our amazing new range or visit our online store
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